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Is It Bad to Turn AC Off in Summer?

Comfort Specialists

June 20, 2023

Are you ready to save money on your HVAC installations and repairs? Contact Comfort Specialists at 973-490-4881 for practical solutions.

Keeping your air conditioning unit running is an excellent way to stay cool during the hottest days of the year. Still, you may wonder, “Is it bad to turn your AC off in summer while you are away from home?” 

Roxbury Township's professional AC repair technicians answer this question by dispeling some common HVAC myths. Consider the following information, then contact a reliable AC installation crew for energy-efficient solutions.

Why Do Some People Turn Off Their ACs During Summer?

Saving money on monthly utility bills is important for most homeowners. Hence, many believe that turning their air conditioning systems off while at work or on vacation will lower their energy costs and extend the life expectancy of their HVAC systems.

Unfortunately, this common myth causes many Americans to experience the opposite effects. 

Problems You May Experience After Turning Off Your AC

Turning off your AC unit during the summer can lead to the following problems:

  • High Indoor Humidity Levels: The summer heat can cause your indoor temperature to spike. This sudden change can expose your home to moisture and encourage runaway mold growth. Mold remediation can be costly and time-consuming, so keeping your AC running is a practical prevention strategy.
  • Pest Activity: Mosquitos, flies, and cockroaches thrive in warm environments. Turning off your AC during the summer may encourage these pests to make nests in your carpet and walls. 
  • HVAC Problems: Turning your AC off and on every time you leave the house can lower its service life expectancy. Fragile internal components — like the blower fan — can break due to frequent restarts. This problem could also lower its efficiency and performance over time.
  • Other Appliance Problems: Your refrigerator and wine coolers may sustain stress overcompensating for hotter indoor temperatures. At the end of the month, this problem could cause you to spend more on utilities anyway.


How to Save Money On Utilities During Vacation

So, is it bad to turn your AC off in summer? Most experts agree that this method will cause you more headaches than benefits. Here are a few ways you can save money without sacrificing your indoor comfort:

  • Unplug Non-Essential Appliances: Unplugging high-voltage appliances like air fryers, televisions, and computers can save you money over time. These devices can sap energy from your outlets, even when idle. Plugging them back in once you come home will not wear down these electronics like it would an HVAC system.
  • Check Your Water Heater: The Department of Energy states that your water heater can account for nearly a quarter of your monthly energy expenses. Try lowering the temperature settings to save more money.
  • Set Your Thermostat Higher: You can save a significant amount of money running your HVAC system by setting your temperature higher. Even five degrees can make a big difference. 

Consider Upgrading Your HVAC System for Better Efficiency

Investing in a programmable or smart thermostat for your HVAC system can optimize your energy efficiency and lower your monthly expenses. These modern solutions allow you to calibrate your AC corresponding to each hour of the day.

Internet-compatible features will allow your HVAC system to automatically adjust to changing weather conditions and other factors that impact your indoor temperature. This way, you won’t need to worry about your air conditioning system consuming too much power while you are on vacation.

Smart thermostats will also alert you if the computer detects underperformance issues. For example, suppose you set the AC to 70 degrees, but your indoor temperature remains at 85 degrees for several hours. Your thermostat will identify the source of the problem, so you can save time during inspections and repairs.

Simplify Your HVAC Repairs With Comfort Specialists

You deserve to get the best results from your HVAC system. At Comfort Specialists, our technicians will inspect your appliances and recommend solutions that suit your budget and energy consumption needs.

We can also help you avoid costly mistakes during use, like covering your AC unit in the summer, so you get the longest life out of your system.

Don’t let the heat keep you down. Our installation specialists can replace your existing air conditioning unit with durable, high-end products. We offer coupons and other financing options to help you budget your next project without stress.

Is it bad to turn your AC off in summer? Find out more with Comfort Specialists in Roxbury Township, NJ. Schedule an HVAC consultation at 973-490-4881.

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